Mountain Springs Piedmont

Our Beliefs

At Mountain Springs Piedmont, we believe the Bible is the living Word of God, guiding our faith and equipping us for righteousness through Christ. Our hope is firmly rooted in Him as we grow together in His truth.

Our Core Beliefs and Confessions

At Mountain Springs Piedmont, we believe that the Bible is the inerrant, living, and breathing Word of God, equipping believers for righteousness and guiding every aspect of our lives.

We hold that the Bible is the ultimate tool by which all things – including our personal faith journeys – should be tested.

This conviction is based on the truth that the Bible was divinely inspired by human authors through the Holy Spirit and fulfilled in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who is the Word and has always been the Word since the beginning of time.

Because of this, our hope is firmly rooted in Christ, the living Word, as we hold closely to His teachings until His return. Scripture such as 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21, John 1:1-5, and Romans 15:4 affirm this truth.

In addition to these foundational beliefs, we also uphold specific confessions of faith that are vital to our growth as Christ followers and key to our mission as a local body of believers. The specifics of the confessional statements can be found here:

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